Happy Clients: Oleanna’s WiggleRoom Story

Oleanna’s Playroom Challenges:

Oleanna’s playroom is home base for her two active kids- an adorable 1 year old boy, growing every day, and his 4 year old sister, truly wise beyond her years.

A common playroom challenge is too many toys, not enough space. Not in Oleanna’s case though- their playroom suffered mostly from a lack of “kid-friendly” organization, which makes total sense when you consider success at the end of a busy day to be toys picked up and off the floor, regardless of what shelf they land on! Each shelf in the toy closet becomes a buffet of trucks, dolls, rattles, boardgames, and so on and so on… As any mom of two young & active little ones can attest, It’s hard to keep up with things when both kids keep you so busy!

Our Joint Strategy

Sort, categorize & organize… from the kid’s point of view. By grouping similar toys, games and puzzles together, we cut down on the need to “take out everything” to find that perfect toy. Toys more likely to attract the attention of a 1 year old, and safe for him as well, find their way to the lower shelves. Toys to be used together go a little higher up on the shelves, so someone has to “use their words” to (politely) ask for some help. As Moms, we’ll take any extra teaching moment we can, right?

Clear bins teach kids a new “game”. By replacing most bins with clear, see-through containers, we can teach our kids how the cleanup game is just like the Memory, only with our own ever-changing pieces!

We won’t speak for Oleanna…

“Kelly is absolutely fabulous. Kelly went through every single toy, pen and crayon, testing each one to see they still worked! I have a 1 year-old boy and 4 year-old daughter so she organized the room so that my son has easy access to toys that are safe for him and my daughter can still reach things that she would like to play with but are not safe for my son’s age.

Now, my children can actually see all their toys so they can choose what they want to play with. Furthermore, clean-up is so easy now that my daughter actually likes to put things away-literally! When everything is back in its place, she says with delight, “We are so organized!” Being and playing in a room where everything has its place is more relaxing and fun for everyone.

Kelly is such a pleasure to work with. Her upbeat, positive personality makes the whole experience so nice–I was sad when the project was over–I liked having her around! I cannot recommend Kelly more highly. Her work is a true gift and has changed our lives!”

Before and After Pics:

Get Started Organizing Today Or read more Wiggle Room organizing successes!